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Workflow Commands

The workflow commands provide easy ways to perform operations on CWL Workflow files. This features basic CR~~U~~D operations and the possibility to connect and disconnect steps.


Provides commands to create and work with CWL Workflows

Usage: s4n workflow <COMMAND>

  create      Creates a blank workflow
  connect     Connects a workflow node
  disconnect  Disconnects a workflow node
  save        Saves a workflow
  status      Shows socket status of workflow
  list        List all workflows [aliases: ls]
  remove      Remove a workflow [aliases: rm]
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

workflow create

The s4n workflow create command creates an empty CWL workflow definition with the given name. An exisiting workflow can be overwritten using the --force flag.


Creates a blank workflow

Usage: s4n workflow create [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  <NAME>  A name to be used for this tool

  -f, --force  Overwrites existing workflow
  -h, --help   Print help


s4n workflow create my-workflow
will create an empty workflow file in the workflows folder.
#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner

cwlVersion: v1.2
class: Workflow

inputs: []
outputs: []
steps: []

workflow connect and workflow disconnect

The workflow connect and workflow disconnect commands can be used to connect CWL CommandLineTools, workflow inputs and workflow outputs forming a directed acyclic graph. The connect command establishes a connection and adds in-, outputs and steps if they are not present in the current workflow. The names of the steps slots can be copied from the output of s4n tool ls. For connections to in- or outputs a @ has to be used es prefix e.g. @inputs/my-file. The name of the node is constructed by using the tool's name and the name of the tool's node separated by a forward slash: mytool/my-input. Connections are made using the --from and --to arguments together with the name of the workflow.


Connects a workflow node

Usage: s4n workflow connect --from <FROM> --to <TO> <NAME>

  <NAME>  Name of the workflow name to be altered

  -f, --from <FROM>  Starting Node: [tool]/[output]
  -t, --to <TO>      Ending Node: [tool]/[input]
  -h, --help         Print help

Example: Connect to input socket

s4n workflow connect my-workflow --from @inputs/population --to calculation/population
Will add a new input socket population and adds the calculation step if it is not present in the workflow already. The step's input population will be mapped to the workflow's input.
#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner

cwlVersion: v1.2
class: Workflow

- id: population
  type: File

outputs: []
- id: calculation
    population: population
  run: '../calculation/calculation.cwl'
  - results
Connecting to workflow outputs works analogues.

Example: Connecting Tools

s4n workflow connect my-workflow --from calculation/results --to plot/results
Will add a connection between two CWL CommandLineTools mapping the results output of the calculation tool to the results input of the plot tool.
#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner

cwlVersion: v1.2
class: Workflow

inputs: []
outputs: []
- id: calculation
  in: {}
  run: '../calculation/calculation.cwl'
  - results
- id: plot
    results: calculation/results
  run: '../plot/plot.cwl'
  - results

The same logic applies for the disconnect command.


Disconnects a workflow node

Usage: s4n workflow disconnect --from <FROM> --to <TO> <NAME>

  <NAME>  Name of the workflow name to be altered

  -f, --from <FROM>  Starting Node: [tool]/[output]
  -t, --to <TO>      Ending Node: [tool]/[input]
  -h, --help         Print help

workflow save

The save command simply commits the changes made to a workflow using git.


``` Saves a workflow

Usage: s4n workflow save [OPTIONS]

Arguments: A name to be used for this tool

Options: -f, --force Overwrites existing workflow -h, --help Print help


workflow status

The workflow status command shows the current connection status of a workflow. Successfully connected sockets are marked in green, a gray icon shows the usage of a tool's default value and the red cross shows unconnected sockets.


s4n workflow status main
# Status report for Workflow workflows/main/main.cwl
# +--------------------------------+------------------+---------------+
# | Tool                           | Inputs           | Outputs       |
# +================================+==================+===============+
# | <Workflow>                     | ✅    speakers   |               |
# +--------------------------------+------------------+---------------+
# | Steps:                         |                  |               |
# +--------------------------------+------------------+---------------+
# | ../calculation/calculation.cwl | ✅    speakers   | ❌    results |
# |                                | 🔘    population |               |
# +--------------------------------+------------------+---------------+
# ✅ : connected - 🔘 : tool default - ❌ : no connection


Shows socket status of workflow

Usage: s4n workflow status [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  <NAME>  A name to be used for this tool

  -f, --force  Overwrites existing workflow
  -h, --help   Print help

workflow list

s4n workflow list lists all workflows of the current project. Using the --all flag more information about steps and in- and outputs can be shown.


List all workflows

Usage: s4n workflow list [OPTIONS]

  -a, --all   Outputs the tools with inputs and outputs
  -h, --help  Print help

workflow remove

s4n workflow remove can be used to delete a workflow from the project.


Remove a workflow

Usage: s4n workflow remove [RM_WORKFLOW]...

  [RM_WORKFLOW]...  Remove a workflow

  -h, --help  Print help